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Ceramic studies

Processing, analysis and counseling

Ceramic Studies provides information of analysis, ceramic processing and consultancy in European archaeology.


Ceramic Studies services include isotope analyses ICP-MA/ES analyses, thin-section microscopy, ceramic registration, reporting and lectures. 

During the years has Ceramic Studies bult up a database of about 20 000 samples of clays, ceramics, bricks and tiles mostly from different parts of Europe. 


Ceramic Studies is part in several research projects within Europe, and cooperations are together with institutions in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Finland, England, Scotland, Estonia and Lithuania


About Ceramic Studies

Ceramic Studies is an archaeological research resource specializing in both prehistoric and historic ceramics.

Run by archaeologist Dr. Torbjörn Brorsson, collaborates with excavation institutions and universities across Scandinavia and Europe. Services include various analyses like ICP-MA/ES analyses, thin-section analysis and thermal studies, aimed to understanding ceramic artifacts such as pottery, bricks, tiles, and clay ovens.


Dr. rer Nat. Torbjörn Brorsson

Rågåkravägen 145

263 75 Nyhamnsläge


+46 (0)70 - 298 65 56

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